Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall Retreat

Hello! I went to my Fall Retreat this past weekend and had the most amazing time! God did a lot in my life and in the lives of my friends. It was amazing and I can't wait for the next one! While we were there though, I could tell that everyone around me were hurting and even the members of the band could sense it when they showed up; an attack of Satan on our lives. It hurt to feel all of that pain because I was praying with a friend of mine and he looked like he was trying so hard not to cry, and when I asked him if he was okay, he said, 'I'll live', and I knew that he meant that he was anything but okay. The Holy Spirit really did work in our lives though and as we were all standing there praying, that negativeness went away. It was an amazing weekend and I'm so glad we did that because God really was at work there.

Normally I have some long post with something to say about things I want to address, but today, I'm not really sure I have anything. That's why I posted late. Have a great week and I pray that God's doing amazing things in your life, too!


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