Monday, September 9, 2013


Hello! So, when I was trying to decide what to post about today, I looked around for inspiration and saw two brunettes and a blonde... so I decided to start there. I tried to think of some genius post title, but, in the end I decided it would be much easier to sum up my post in one simple word. Siblings.
Siblings are your lifelong companions. They make you laugh, cry, tear your hair out and lose your temper, but they also are the people who know you the best, who'll always be there on your side, even though they've seen you in your most ugly moments.
My sisters are all younger than me, but that doesn't stop us from having fun together. Now, I admit, as an oldest sister, I don't always hang out with them all of the time, but we do have memories that will always be there. For instance, Ari and I share the knowledge of what a "funk" is. Please, don't ask. :) Angie and I share memories of so many Barbie games that would happen regularly; with the huge family, a trip on a cruise ship, kids who never seemed to get older because we liked that generation and some days, we'd have week-long Barbie marathons for one game. Aubrie and I will probably always remember the "Kung Fu" lessons I gave her. When I was 6 or 7, I took maybe two lessons of karate, but someone (maybe Ari... and me) had her convinced that I got a black belt from just two classes and had kicked down a door. So, I gave her "lessons" with anything I saw on TV. That girl has nails!
There's certain things that I especially love my sisters for. I admire Ariana's so obvious talent for crocheting, Angelie was born with her left ear closed up, and it's so unique, Aubrie never simply walks, she skips everywhere or runs around on her tiptoes. Yes, they can drive me insane, but I've never stopped loving them and I never will. If you have siblings, next time you butt heads, think about that thing you admire about them. I know that, in the heat of the moment, that doesn't always help, but never forget those little things about them.
Have an amazing day!!!!!!

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