Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wake Up Call

Hello! For those of you near me, you're probably experiencing the same dreary, rainy weather that I am. :)
This post is going to be similar to my most recent one titled: After A Hurricane, Comes A Rainbow, because it's not me talking about my life as much, but life around me.

In our society, there's so much going on that shouldn't be. Drugs, innocent girls being destroyed by guys, porn, even Christian kids in public schools who have killed themselves because they were bullied ruthlessly for sharing their faith. People judge other people with one look, one word. In my opinion, it's stupid, because, we're all the same species! So many people have the Enemy holding on tightly to them, and making them think certain things that aren't okay are. It actually makes me sad to think about what our world has come to sometimes. My heart especially goes out to the girls my age out there, who's virginity and innocence is being stripped, the kids in foreign countries who don't have parents, families who are broken because of divorce or their kids/parents committing suicide because of the pressure that society forces on people. The pressure to be perfect, because "if you're not perfect, you're nothing".

Before I went to camp last month, I was in a huge depression and just had all this junk filling my head (by junk I mean thoughts from Satan that had a hold on me) that was pulling me down and I was getting in more trouble at home than I should've been. With others, I hid my true feelings and wore a mask. I was broken free of so much at camp, and now, I don't wear that mask anymore, the mask of a happy-go-lucky person who's always happy and every thing's perfect. I think that people hide behind masks too much, mostly because of the mask I hid behind. I was so afraid of what, say, my youth pastor would think of me if he knew that I was struggling with anger problems and everything else, so I didn't tell him, or my friends. I was scared that if anyone knew how angry I got, everything I felt inside, that they wouldn't want me in their lives anymore, so I hid.

My heart also goes out to the non-Christians out there, the ones who either won't accept God no matter what keeps going wrong in their lives, the ones who never know, and the ones who think that the things they've done make them unworthy of the love of God. In truth, no one's worthy of it. We're all sinners who live on borrowed time making a wreck of our lives, and yet, God sacrificed His own Son to save us because He loves us that much.

Ever since I started going to my youth group last August, I've developed a passion to go after God, a passion to get into ministry, a passion to help those in need. I've had Christ in my life since I was a little kid, but I've never felt a fire so strong. I want to see a generation, this generation, making a difference in the world. I don't know how, but, I've decided that I'm not going to waste my life doing nothing. I'm going to do something important with it, something that reaches lots of people.

Anyway, this was somewhat a deep post. If anyone doesn't agree with me, I'm sorry. I just have such a passion about this, and, this post is what I think. Looking around at people, I've had my wake up call, the call to not sit around and do nothing about everything.

Have you had a wake up call? Do you have a passion for this type of thing? I hope so. The song below is a prayer for me, and it's one I pray for my family, my friends, our church, and the rest of the world. Take a listen. Make the words your prayer. Have an amazing week, and don't be afraid to reach out, and look for help.
Remember, God's still on your side, and, with Him, nothing is impossible!

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