Monday, April 8, 2013

Hi, America and everywhere!

Hey, everyone! How's it feel to be in the 15th week of the year already? That's crazy. I don't know what's wrong with me, but, this morning, I honestly thought it was September. :P Not my best moment. ;)
So, my grandma's coming out on Wednesday from CO. We're all pretty excited for that! 
Lately, things have been going pretty good. I made the worship team at youth group!!!!! and got to sing on Wednesday. Except, my throat hurt that night and my body felt super hot (not to anyone else but me). Then on Thursday I wasn't feeling as good, but on Friday I was better so I went to a fun youth grand opening for our new building at church! I got to see all of my friends there, too. Someone accidentally spilled Pepsi on my white shirt, but I had fun. That is, until Saturday and Sunday when a bad fever and sore throat kept me confined to the couch all day. :( Aside from a slight cough, I'm alright now, I just can't sing... I hate it. 

So that's what's been happening in my life. If you have any time on your hands right now, you should check out a cute blog.

I hope you're having a great night & if you're living near me, I hope you're enjoying the nice weather! I know I am. ;)

~Never let anyone tell you that you can't. Because you're more than capable to do whatever God calls you to do!

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