Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm back!!!!!

I just recently got back from vacation and had a bunch of fun. Here are a couple of photos.

This was a blue moon


the moon was very bright

Up in the plane

Driving through the mountains in Colorado

Up in the plane 2

Never sleep outside when there's a blue moon. That night, my friend and I slept on her trampoline, but we didn't fall asleep for a while because the moon nearly blinded us. It was worth it though because it was so beautiful. 
When I was taking pictures in the plane, there was a couple behind me looking at me like I was weird. I AM weird, but all I wanted was a picture or four of being up in the air. I felt tall up there.

My grandma flew back with us and will be here for a bit. Today is also her birthday! She really is an amazing person, I can see why my mom is so amazing. 
I'd like to ask for prayer for another amazing person... my dad. He's not feeling very well... he and my mom caught the flu in Alaska. He's getting better, but still coughing and not feeling good. 
Well, I'm going to go spend time with him, after not seeing him for a week, I really have missed him. Ciao!

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