Friday, August 10, 2012

Time for some smarticles!!!!!!!!!

Last night I did this awesome experiment for science. It had to do with atoms and molecules, and how copper hydroxycarbonate comes about. Here's a pic of the setup for the experiment, then I'll go into a bit more details (or my nerd phase...LOL )

Supplies used  
  1. small glass
  2. a spoon (for stirring)
  3. two insulated copper wires 
  4. tape
  5. a 9-volt battery
  6. baking soda
So basically, I filled my glass 3/4 of the way full with tap water, then I put in a teaspoon of baking soda, & stirred vigorously. Then, (after stripping both ends of both insulated copper wires) I taped one end of each wire to the positive and negative terminals on the 9-volt battery.

(the white wire is connected to the positive terminal, the black wire to the negative.)

My experiment went on for ten minutes total. During that time, the water began to change color, as did the wires. You can see that the white copper wire is blue green. 

The black wire turned darker, due to electricity levels. You also can see that bubbles are forming off of both wires, but more so the black one.

The reason that the wire turned blue is because of copper hydroxycarbonate. This is caused when copper is exposed to weather and hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon interact with the copper, making it blue green, like my wire. Another example of this is Lady Liberty. 

She's made of copper, and with her standing outside 24/7, copper hydroxycarbonate happens.
 I found all of this super interesting! I think science may be my new fave. subject. 

I'm so proud of myself, I survived the first week of school!!!!! WHOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!! YAAAAAY MEEEEE!!!!!! I'm definitely looking forward to sleeping in until 10 tomorrow, a well earned treat.
I started going to youth group at my church on Wednesdays two weeks ago & already I feel welcome there. I love that everybody there loves the Lord like I do, & we have each others backs. I really only know one person there like totally well, but everybody's so nice, that it's not hard to make a new group of friends!  I'll also get to sing for the group, too. So I'm psyched. I'll sing "What Love Really Means". 

I ask anyone reading this post to please pray for my grandpa, who has double pneumonia. He's getting better & should be out of the hospital by now, but a little prayer never hurts anyone. Right???? 
I'm so excited to get to CO! It's been 5 months since I was there, & I miss it. I mean, it's better than what I was saying when I was out there before. I was saying, "It's been 2 years since I've been here," so five months isn't that bad really. 

Last night, I tried some of the best ice cream I've ever had! It was Edy's Limited Edition Black Raspberry, & it made me weak it was sooooo good! If you've had it before, you'll understand. If not, you're seriously missing out.

I hope that everybody out there in the world is having a great day. I hope that God is doing great things in your life, & if you're going through a trial, just know that after every hurricane comes a rainbow. Just hang on for a little bit longer & things will get better soon. I promise.
I also want to say something to any girls reading this. I know someone who thinks that she's fat based on comments made by peers. Now, whenever I see her, I tell her that she's fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, then I make her repeat that back to me. No matter what you think is wrong with you, just know that you are perfect the way you are, okay? God made you the way you are for a reason, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with you. You're beautiful, never forget that. These are lyrics to a song I wrote, I hope they help any girl having doubts about herself.  
Maybe there's a reason that this is my reality. Maybe there's a reason why He made me the way I am. Maybe there's a reason I am where I am today. 
 God bless you!

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