Sunday, August 5, 2012

Itching & miserable

I'm glad to be blogging again. I've been busy lately & haven't had any online time. 
I'm excited & disappointed at the same time....we start school tomorrow. I'm, like, so not ready for school to start again! That means getting up early and learning. Not that that's a bad thing. It'll be much better than going to public school, where I'd have to get up earlier than I do homeschooling. 
My cousins moved out already so things have been normal again. I'm excited for vacation in CO. I'm praying my grandma's dog is still alive when we get out there. He has crushed vertebrae in his back & kidney stones. He's about 10 or 11 years old.

Today was disappointing because it rained, but it stopped & the sun is shining. So I feel better. 
I did square dancing yesterday, & found a new hobby. I love it! It's a lot of fun, plus, if I join, I also get to see friends, so that's a bonus.
I should probably explain my post title. I have so many bug bites. Two on my neck, two on each arm, my shoulders...just to name a few. So that's the only reason why I'm miserable. Otherwise, this has been a great day... Thank You, Jesus. 

This is our little Poppy (Aubrie) with ten shirts on! Goofball!

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