Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A serious subject and what it means to me

Hello!!! I haven't been on lately so I apologize to any of you who have subscribed to Rebel For Christ. I've been busy with school and haven't really had much to blog about, but I want to try and get on more of a schedule with blogging. 

Today I'm going to be blogging about a serious topic that really makes me want to do something about this crazy messed up world that we live in. I hope that reading this post inspires you to want to take action as well. 

It all started with one girl. This girl spent most of her early teenage years being depressed and suicidal on and off. She eventually came out stronger for it, wanting to make a difference in the lives of broken teens everywhere. That girl is me. 
Teens everywhere struggle with serious things like depression, eating and mental disorders that affect them and can lead to very serious long-term consequences. Not one teenager goes through the exact same thing another does, but a lot of similar situations are domestic/sexual violence, being bullied, broken families, depression, self harm, bulimia/anorexia, suicidal thoughts and so much more. People with insecurities pick on other people to make them insecure, which can lead to many things. The world isn't a nice place. Homes are supposed to be a safe haven where no one feels judged, where family members can help and support each other, but for some, going home is dreaded because of things like abuse and fighting. A lot of teenagers don't even live in their real homes and are placed in foster care. A lot of these teens are even treated unfairly. 
When teens feel like they can't turn to anyone else, they create accounts on social sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ as a cry for help, posting pictures of freshly opened scars and statuses saying things like, "Thanks for the support but I can't do it any more. Life has done downhill and, unless it gets better soon, this might be my last post.". They feel hopeless. They're the type of people who affect me the most. It hurts me to know that so many people go through so much, turn to suicide and don't get the help they need because they're convinced that no one truly cares. I was that same way but you know what? People do care and want to help you. 
I know that I can't change what thoughts run through people's heads and I know that bad stuff will always continue to happen no matter what, but I still want to make a change. It sounds crazy but I want to help every single hurting individual, no matter how long it takes. I want people to know that it's going to get better and that suicide is only going to make it worse, it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. While the pain of cutting may seem like it helps, it doesn't. Once you do it, there's no going back and you'll always have scars as a reminder. Using drugs and alcohol to "numb the pain" is another long term consequence that can seriously affect you for the rest of your life. 

No matter what, there's always hope. You're never alone and can get through anything. I really hope that my story will inspire people to stay strong. No matter who tries to stand in my way, I will change the world someday. 

Love always, 

*If you are going through anything listed in this post, please  talk to someone. If you or someone you know is thinking of or has attempted suicide, call the U.S. suicide hotline number (1-800-273-8255) and talk to someone you trust. Don't wait, get help now.

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